Lo Hei
During Lunar New Year, the Chinese custom of Lo Hei is believed to bring further rise to wealth & longevity Words: 恭 喜 发 财 "Gong xi fa cai" meaning "Congratulations for your wealth" and 万 事 如 意 "Wan shi ru yi" meaning "May all your wishes be fulfilled" ABALONE abundance and surplus throughout the year Words: 年 年 有 馀 "Nian nian you yu" LIME great prosperity, good fortune & good luck Words: 大 吉 大 利 "Da ji da li" PEPPER & FIVE SPICE POWDER sprinkled over the ingredients in hope of attracting great wealth & treasures into your life Words: 招 财 进 宝 "Zhao cai jin bao" OIL pour oil over the ingredients in a circle,
bless with numerous sources of wealth & increase your profits by 10,000 times
Words: 财 原 广 进 "Cai yuan guang jin" CARROTS blessings of good luck Words: 鸿 运 当 头 "Hong yun dang tou" GREEN RADISH wish for eternal youth Words: 青 春 常 驻 "Qing chun chang zhu" WHITE RADISH achieving greater heights in everything you set out to do Words: 风 生 水 起 "Feng sheng shui qi" & 步 步 高 升 "Bu bu gao sheng" SESAME SEEDS & PEANUTS wish for your home to be filled with gold and for your business to prosper Words: 金 银 满 屋 "Jin yin man wu" GOLDEN CRACKERS IN THE SHAPE OF PILLOWS may gold cover the ground you walk on, having more wealth than you can ever spend Words: 满 地 黄 金 "Man di huang jin" PLUM SAUCE be blessed with sweet relationships Words: 甜 甜 蜜 蜜 "Tian tian mi mi"" Toss the salad an auspicious 7 times with loud shouts of "lo hei" 捞 起 & other auspicious New Year wishes to bring further wealth, longevity & happiness